With the Shabbat Project a little different this year, we are excited to share a solution to the biggest hurdles to cooking for Shabbat "I don't want to spend all day in the kitchen" and "What should I make?"
With Shalom Fresh, we do the meal planning and shopping for you. You just order, pick up the ingredients and follow our step-by-step instructions below. Too complete your Shabbat meals, check out our Challah Baking and Dessert posts. You can order a challah box with all the ingredients you'll need as part of the Shabbat Project registration.
Before we start let's plan ahead. Make sure you have all the materials and ingredients on-hand before you pick up your Shalom Fresh order and then lay everything you"ll need out within arms reach before getting started.
You will receive the following with your Shalom Fresh Order (If you are purchasing your own ingredients this is what you"ll need):
Baby Zucchini (Pre- Cut And Washed)
Red Wine Vinegar
Bell Peppers
Brown Sugar
Butternut Squash (Pre- Cut And Washed)
Cherry Tomatoes
Chicken 8 Pc Cut Up
Chocolate Babka
Chocolate Chips (Non Dairy)
Duck Sauce
Dunken Heins Browny Mix
Fingerling Potatoes
Fresh Dill
Ground Mustard
Ice Cream (Parve)
Israeli Couscous (21.16 Oz)
Italian Seasoning
Maple Syrup
Matza Ball Mix
Olive Oil
Petite Carrots (Pre- Cut And Washed)
Romain Lettuce (Washed And Checked)
Salad Dressing
Smoked Turkey
Soy Sauce
Stew Meat
Turkey Pastrami
Whole Roaster Chicken
You will need the following (not included):
Black Pepper
Cutting Board
Eggs (5)
Frying Pan
Large pot (for soup)
Medium Pot (for Couscous)
Olive Oil
Roasting Pans or Foil Pans (4 or 5)
Slow cooker (for cholent). You can also use a foil pan if you don't have one and bake in the oven at 350°F until cooked and then leave it in a 250° - 275° F oven overnight on Sabbath Mode.
The following optional ingredients are not necessary (or included) but will elevate your menu:
Chicken Broth (for couscous)
Chopped Garlic
Crushed Red Pepper
Kosher Salt
Sautéed Mushrooms (for couscous)
Sautéed Onions (for couscous)
Umami Seasoning
Friday Night Dinner Menu:
Matzah Ball Soup Balsamic Maple Chicken Medley of Roasted Vegetables Italian Fingerling Potatoes Israeli Couscous Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream Pie​ or Chocolate Brownies & Ice Cream
Saturday Lunch
Cholent ​ Charcuteri Board Including:
Hassleback Salami
Smokey Turkey Breast
Turkey Pastrami
Fresh Green Salad ​ Traditional Chocolate Babka
Now that we have our menu and all of our supplies and ingredients we are ready to start cooking. If you are making Challah, I would recommend starting with that first so that you can cook while your dough is rising.
If you are planning on cooking on Friday, I would recommend at least doing the soup (you can skip to 20:22 on the video) on Thursday night to let it simmer overnight. The longer it cooks the richer and more delicious it will be and the more your home will be filled with the amazing aroma of fresh chicken soup.
Let's get started. You can download the recipes here or see them all below. You will receive printed cards with your Shalom Fresh Order.
Watch the video below for step by step instructions, the order is the crucial piece in getting everything done in no time at all. To be completely honest, it actually took 37 minutes of active prep time (not including dessert which will be a separate post.) The chicken does need more time in the oven.
Don't forget dessert. You can use the brownie mix to just make brownies or you can transform it into an amazing ice cream pie using the tutorial here.
Lastly download this reheating guide or recipe cards below:
